Tuesday, April 27, 2010
unedited footage of a great public art project
Seen today (april 25th 2010) in Berlin on Rosenthaler platz...
street art in it's most abstract and direct form.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Color symbolism chart

^click image to enlarge^
This chart is great.
I found a tweet about it from @Alyssa_Milano.
It both simply and beautifully charts the
varying symbolism of key colors in
different cultures around the world,
from red to white, and from mourning to modesty.
It goes to show that color really does
help us make sense of the world
and really is universal.
See the short photo story of how a version
of this image ended up as the 91st
and final cover design of the book,
Information is Beautiful.
Check out the full sized image here.
The Real Pleasure
Even if you don't know anyone, please pass on this info, someone might be in need of this help desperately.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sachin Tendulkar - The GOD of Cricket | Praising the GOD | Comments of cricketers on Sachin Tendulkar
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Newtons Laws of Love | Newton in Romantic Mood
Monday, April 19, 2010
Reverse Graffiti

It is currently taking form via guerrilla marketing all over the world. As competition with businesses escalates to a more global position, the standards of current advertising campaigns are growing old.
Advertisers are now scrambling to form new ways to grab peoples attention over the television ads that used to work so well. Recent CBS reports have suggested that a person could see up to 5000 advertisements in a single day, wearing on a mind, and making the world hesitant to buy any product through an advertisement.
Marketers need to find new ways to stand out.
How To Graffiti: Reverse Graffiti
One new advantageous method of advertising that seems to have taken popularity with marketers has been with the use of reverse graffiti. Reverse graffiti is the concept of a non-damaging form of graffiti (i.e.: Reversible). It allows for people to leave messages, without the defacement of any property. Many of these forms of graffiti are literally cleaning art into surfaces.
It creates art, while cleaning the environment.
It makes an important statement.
There are many forms for this reverse graffiti, and I will discuss some of the more common methods below. Please note that these forms of graffiti are simply described here for informational purposes. It is intended that if you use this information to create your own street art, you do so on your own property, or you receive permission to do this on another's property.
Dust Tagging
Perhaps the most popular of all of the forms of reverse graffiti, dust tagging involves removing dust/grime from surfaces, typically with a cloth and some soapy water. Basically, an artistic dusting, as you literally clean your images into the surfaces of objects. Dust tagging has also evolved to include cleaning compacted dirt that layers on roads, though the dirt is typically packed onto the road more tightly - a power washer is required to lift up an image.
Dust tagging is common to be placed on opaque walls, or transparent surfaces, allowing for the dust vs. clean to really contrast with each other.
Moss Graffiti
Horticulturists discovered a way to create a "moss paint" to paint on surfaces. This paint once prepared, paints a layer of moss and nutrients on any surface. Under the proper growing conditions (shady and moist areas), the moss paint grows out to a fully grown moss, in 2 weeks. It also keeps the original design of what you painted! The texture adds a sharp contrast to any design, and it remains a fantastic, eco-friendly way to create graffiti.
Smog Graffiti
This form of reverse graffiti has been around since around 1991, and involves leaving stencils on buildings for long amounts of time (2 months or longer). It is a stencil art, without the paint. This is mainly a "city-only" type of graffiti, as cities are typically the only places with consistent amounts of smog to layer up on the sidewalks and streets. When you finally remove the stencil, there is a contrasting design of all the smog pile-up vs. the cleaner surface of the covered building.
Light Graffiti
Light graffiti is something that seems like it never stopped evolving. There have been multiple forms of light graffiti, from using projectors to cast images onto buildings from far away distances, to using cameras with slow exposure times in order to manipulate pictures while they are being taken.
Projectors - Created by the Graffiti Research Lab, the forms of this involve a laptop/projector combination hooked up to a car battery, or electrical outlet. The computer has software to design your own graffiti tag, and allow the projector to be cast onto buildings.
Cameras - Made popular recently by the rework by Michael Bosanko, this form of light graffiti involves a camera with a long exposure time (can be 10 seconds, up to an hour). By having a long exposure time, you also have the time to run into a picture being recorded, and manipulate the environment with light. You never physically touch the environment, and are left with awesome photos of a manipulated setting.
Though these are more common methods, the concept is to bring a sort of compromise with both sides of graffiti: to be allowed to have a street art, but to avoid damaging any property. This creates an interesting dynamic, as it allows marketers to more easily enter a cultural art form that at one point in time was deemed inaccessible (mainly illegal) to businesses. The fact that marketing with graffiti has been viewed as taboo as it was, allows for companies who use these techniques now to really stand out among fellow advertisers.
Everything that is created with reverse graffiti can easily be removed, whether it is by flipping a switch to turn off a light, or using a light soap and water combination to clean the entirety of a surface. Not only easily cleanable, it remains more environmentally friendly than many artistic ventures.
If any of this has really grabbed you, I really suggest getting out there and trying it! Reverse graffiti is another great way to not only learn a new street art, but to also look into one of the future areas where marketing will inevitably head.
Ziggy Chu is a graffiti enthusiast, and working performance artist. He is currently finishing a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and studying in Stockholm, Sweden.
The websites below follow Ziggy's own experiences and recommendations with all forms of graffiti. Check them out now to learn more on how to graffiti!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Do Not Laugh
Dad : People this is unacceptable. You have to limit the use of the phone. I do not use this phone, I use the one at the office.
Mum : Same here, I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work telephone.
Son : Me too, I never use the home phone. I always use my company mobile.
Maid : So - what is the problem? We all use our work telephones !
Saturday, April 17, 2010
What happens and what to do if you get arrested for graffiti
The information in this talk by an unknown woman is invaluable. Listen to it.
As an extra bonus, there’s a lot of good footage of
New York City Subway trains covered in graffiti.
Funtoon - What babies do inside???
History of 1 April
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Hollywood Sign Hotel Concept

^click images to enlarge^
Danish architect Christian Bay-Jorgensen
has drawn up some ideas to convert the famous
Hollywood sign in California into a hotel.
The sign’s letters will have to be made
bigger and built with extensions towards
the back to accommodate a large number of guests,
but I think this might be a fun place to stay!
If anything, it will offer some
great views of the city below, no?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mars landing
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Do Not Laugh
The florist's son handed her a gift. She shook it, held it overhead, and said, "I bet I know what it is. Flowers." "That's right!" the boy said,
"But, how did you know?" "Oh, just a wild guess," she said.
The next pupil was the sweet shop owner's daughter. The teacher held her gift overhead, shook it, and said, "I bet I can guess what it is. A box of sweets."
"That's right, but how did you know?" asked the girl. "Oh, just a wild guess," said the teacher.
The next gift was from the son of the liquor storeowner. The teacher held the package overhead, but it was leaking. She touched a drop off the leakage with her finger and put it to her tongue. "Is it wine?" she asked.
"No," the boy replied, with some excitement. The teacher repeated the process, tasting a larger drop of the leakage. "Is it champagne?" she asked.
"No," the boy replied, with more excitement. The teacher took one more big taste before declaring, "I give up, what is it?"
With great glee, the boy replied, "It's a puppy!"
Story - The Pig and The Cow
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Graffiti Design – Art or Vandalism?
Defining art is a difficult task. Who is to say what constitutes a good piece of art? It is a highly subjective matter with few guidelines to go by. Some people think of art as paintings of nature, people, or bowls of fruit. Others think art is anything that moves you. Between all the traditional and radical interpretations of what makes a piece of art or design successful, one must look at graffiti and wonder – is this art or simply vandalism?
Living in the city of Toronto, you’re bound to see graffiti. Many of Toronto’s walls and buildings are covered in graffiti. The designs range from a few words simply spray-painted on the wall, to the most ornate and detailed.
These designs are what fill in all the gaps and spaces of the city. In between corporate buildings and alleyways, graffiti artists find a place and a way to express themselves with a few tools and imagination. Still, graffiti used to be cast in a very bad light. Graffiti artists were not seen as artists. They were nothing more than society’s angry outcasts, professional vandals who defaced public property just for the hell of it.
Today, graffiti has garnered a lot more respect and appreciation. It seems that some people enjoy graffiti; they even think it is beautiful. The fact that graffiti artists are referred to as artists shows just how much public perception of these designs has changed. Graffiti has been embraced in a new way. There are websites dedicated to the collection of graffiti photos, online galleries to display what graffiti artists have to offer. There are graffiti stores that cater to graffiti artists by selling all the supplies they need, from spray paint and canvasses to the right clothing and customs products.
However, I wouldn’t hold my breath for graffiti to ever be fully accepted by society. It may have its admirers and its own art galleries but these galleries are online, in that virtual cyberspace where they can’t be touched. I don’t know if graffiti will have its own art museums, and if they did, I doubt they would have the same kind of prestige or reputation as a traditional art gallery would. While many citizens think of graffiti as art peppered across their home town, authority figures think of it as another problem to be dealt with. The police, the city of Toronto, and dozens of graffiti removal companies are all putting a lot of money and time into stripping the city of graffiti.
I find it interesting that the location of a design can be the factor that defines what that design is – a nuisance, or something beautiful. That location being on the side of a building or on a canvas at home is the deciding factor. Of course I can see why graffiti is removed – the bottom line is that these buildings do not belong to the graffiti artists. It is not their property to design on. At the same time, that artist’s voice inside me thinks there is something almost romantic about a city being used as a canvas to express someone’s beliefs and passions, while giving citizens a bit of beauty to gaze at in between all the grey buildings.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Street Scene: How To Draw Graffiti-Style
Create your own slammin', street-smart comic art!
Contains 28 step-by-step demonstrations in an edgy, high-impact style.
Whether you're an aspiring comic-artist or you just wanna have fun drawing ... this book shows you how to rock it out in your own gritty, graffiti-influenced style. Start with simple shapes and stick figures and build up to full, fleshed-out dudes and babes with serious attitude!
Draw a radical cast of 18 characters step by step, including hip hop artists, rappers, graffiti artists, DJs, skatekids, BMX riders, basketball players, snowboarders, Goth girls, fashionistas, punk rockers, and other urban subculture types.
Express your characters' style with the coolest hairstyles, clothing, shoes, bling, hats, glasses, bags, piercings, tattoos and gear.
Let your characters kick it in ultra-cool environments, from gritty cityscapes and zany interiors to wild and abstract backgrounds.
From feet to facial expressions, you'll get lots of expert tips for awesome results. It's everything you need to create maximum-impact art that expresses your own sense of style and individuality ... Art that says, "I was here!" About the Author
John Lee describes his "style" as a melding of manga and old-school American animation with a dab of street graffiti mixed in. Born in Seoul, South Korea, he now lives in Flushing, New York, his inspiration coming from his Eastern origins combined with his western influences.
Graffiti Taxonomy
This is a pretty sick project researching hand styles characters from a variety of artists and different implementations including an installation of the data.
There is even a screencast in the video of some cross correlation with photos of graffiti and certain characters being analyzed.