I'd read somewhere recently about an NYC writer named COCO 144 who was using a stencil to spray his tag as far back as 1971, after a bit of research, I managed to track down an original image of his tag. COCO 144 was getting up with the likes of Topcat 126, Tracey 168, C.A.T 87 & Taki 183 as far back as the late 60's.
We all know Banksy popularised it, but there's been a lot of background chatter on when the stencil was first introduced to the culture of Street Art (oh, and how it's not REAL graffiti). Was it Blek, John Fekner maybe, Christy Rupp's rat's.. actually, it seems it was a writer from 144th and Broadway.
Ok, That's todays little history lesson over.. tune in next week to waste more time procrastinating when you should be doing something else. Including myself in that.