These are an interesting addition to contemporary art objects, unique multiples and objects of desire. Loving the aesthetic, if not the price. Nice touch with the app though.
More on this plus a new show and print release below.
Faile Puzzle Boxes:As some of you know we've been exploring a series of work influenced by the use of modular wooden cubes over the last three years, this has come to fruition in a variety of ways. Today we are launching a new website and mobile app to highlight the original inspiration behind this work. Please take some time to enjoy the puzzles and play. The idea behind the site and app was to create a place where anyone can play, solve or abstract the artworks within the world of Faile. The links are here and there's more information below in the third person.
Faile Puzzle Boxes Website:
Faile Puzzles App at iTunes Store:LA Works on Paper "Faile: A Decade of Prints & Originals":It seems like everyone is heading out to LA, so we thought we'd join the party. We're doing a small, works on paper show with a new LA-based print shop called Post No Bills in Venice, CA. The show will feature a variety of works on paper over the last 12 years (a decade just sounded better). Plus a few other goodies. Should be fun. Opening will be June 23rd. There will be several new pieces available at the show. More information to come on this over the next few weeks.
PaperMonster Print:Tuesday - June 7th at Noon in New York.
We know this one has taken a little longer than expected. Despite the amount of time, you can't really rush these, we couldn't be more pleased with the print. It will be an edition of 300, rather large in physical size and a lot of color. We hope you're going to enjoy it. Thanks for the inquiries. We'll be sure to send an update when it's set to launch.
That's it for now, more to come soon. Thanks to everyone as always, the support is greatly appreciated.